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Discussing Techniques and Programming Languages ​​in Revit Plugin Creation

Revit “Programming Techniques”

In our previous discussion on the Revit API, we reviewed the concept of using the Revit API to craft a plugin to extend the out-of-the-box functionality within Revit. Conceptually speaking, the Revit API is a library of definitions and protocols that can be interacted with through a programming operation to create a capability within Revit. Once one understands the basic premise of creating a Revit plugin, the logical next step is to consider the methods available to undertake the actual “programming” of the plugin.

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Logic: the intangible building block

Think for a moment about your chest of tools as an architect, engineer, or designer. You have a variety of software systems, years of experience, and training. Experience tells you when things won't work well, like that element can't go there, it will cause a clash. If you are new to BIM, drafting in 3D, or using Dynamo, this probably sounds like a bright future, but how do you get to that level?

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Applying the Pareto Principle to Dynamo Training

Last year before AEC Lab rolled into Voyansi, we wrote about applying the Pareto Principle to software problems. To summarize in case you missed it, we discussed the fact that organizations can make large impacts by solving the biggest problems first. In summation, correctly identifying your largest “stones” or issues is your challenge. Finding the stone that represents 20% of the causality but solves the 80% of your problems.

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