A snapshot of your project, in your pocket

Design on the richness of real space.

Some things about space are experiential, and indescribable. Reality capture brings all of the visual and spatial sensory data available in a specific time and place to your team. Our design ecosystem is more global. Collaboration works best when everyone is building on the same context. Reality capture establishes that richness.

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Reality Capture Services

Bring your project to you




Leverage every millimeter of your space with laser scanning using LIDAR technology. A super-accurate digital survey of your site or space is crucial for operations planning or construction.

Post Processing

Whether it's a point cloud or a Matterport, more can be done to make your data accessible to users. More access means less rework at every step. Our post-processing team is there to grow with you along the way. Make our reality capture services part of your team.


Detailed site surveys carried out to supplement and verify any site information and data, ready to share and use for reports and estimations. Reality capture technology elevates the perspective you have of your space.

Have questions? Want to learn more? Speak to one of our experts.