A few months back, my wife and I moved to Spain from Argentina. Last week, my colleague Mike joined me here, as well as our two first local hires, new members of our software team. I was extremely excited, I’ve been working solo here in Spain now for several months, so it was nice to get a chance just to speak to my colleagues face to face for the first time in 18 months or so.
Being a BIM company with developers, our lunch conversation was about work. Have you ever thought about the role communication plays in construction? I would hazard to guess that construction is probably the most manual industry out there. Manually estimated, manually designed, manually built, then maintained. If you’re reading this, you probably agree with my spiel for software, and more automated processes.
We both know, it’s difficult for a team to stay on the same page when it comes to a project. Of course, the larger the group the bigger the issues. It doesn’t matter your pain point or workflow, the reality is that sometimes a change in design, materials, or construction can lead to weeks or months of delay. You also know the future, one where every member of the team can be informed about the changes made on every single aspect of a project in real time. That way, everyone is one step ahead of any possible inconvenience. The holy grail: deadlines can be established and met with few to zero delays while cutting overall costs and optimizing use of material and other resources.
That’s what we are working towards now. It’s great to officially be on three continents now. Our team in Spain is bringing an automation first focus to help change the way we build. As the world opens, if you happen to be nearby in Madrid, look us up. We can be found at Calle de Manzanares, 4, 28005 Madrid. Oficina N.º 108, or reach us at +34 914 14 44 59.