Revolutionizing Healthcare in the Public Sector with Digital Twins

Digital Twin of a Healthcare Center in Córdoba

In an era where technology and data converge to solve complex challenges, the Municipality of Córdoba, in partnership with Voyansi, embarked on a groundbreaking project. Their objective was to transform the city’s healthcare system through the innovative application of Digital Twins, a key component in Public Healthcare Innovation.

The Municipality of Córdoba’s healthcare system, comprising 100 primary healthcare centers, was at a crossroads. With facilities showing wear from extensive use, there was an urgent need to understand their conditions comprehensively and accurately. Traditional methods, based on manual measurements, were proving inadequate – slow, error-prone, and inefficient, highlighting the necessity for Infrastructure Modernization.

Recognizing the limitations of conventional approaches, Voyansi brought in a blend of modern technologies and methodologies, including BIM Technology, to redefine Healthcare Infrastructure Management.

Digital Twins: A Game-Changer in Healthcare Infrastructure

The project initiated by the Municipality of Córdoba and Voyansi was underpinned by an innovative concept: the use of Digital Twins. These highly accurate, data-rich digital representations of physical buildings were crucial in providing new insights into healthcare facilities, marking a significant step in Data-Driven Healthcare Management. The key to their effectiveness lies in their precision and richness of detail, offering a comprehensive digital mirror of the physical world.

Each healthcare center in Córdoba underwent extensive laser scanning, capturing every detail to create precise point cloud representations. These scans served as the initial layer of data, crucial for the subsequent phases of the project.

BIM Model of a Córdoba Health Facility

The project transitioned into its next critical phase: 3D Building Information Modeling (BIM). The point clouds formed the basis for creating detailed 3D BIM models, a process that marked the transformation of raw data into a structured, interactive, and usable digital format. These 3D BIM models, laying a robust foundation for the digital twin platform, were pivotal in realizing the full potential of Digital Twins. This integration of laser precision with the informative nature of BIM brought together critical aspects of Digital Twin Technology and BIM in Healthcare, setting a new standard in the management and optimization of public health facilities.

Collaborative and Data-Driven Approach

The project utilized Revit and Autodesk Tools for collaborative work-sharing, ensuring real-time access to the latest model versions. This approach, coupled with comprehensive data integration, allowed for gathering critical data on each center’s infrastructure, MEP systems, and equipment and enhanced Efficient Facility Management.

Empowering Decision-Making with Cloud-Based Dashboards

The development of cloud-based dashboards using Advanced Data Visualization techniques was deemed essential by the Municipality of Córdoba for managing the healthcare network. These interactive dashboards, developed in Amazon QuickSight, brought an unprecedented level of detail and interactivity to the forefront of Public Health Management.

The integration of the APS Viewer was a standout feature, allowing users to delve into each model to explore detailed 3D geometry and associated data. This intuitive interaction with the models made the data accessible and meaningful, transforming how resources were allocated and enhancing the maintenance and planning of healthcare facilities. With easy access to comprehensive data, the management of these centers became more proactive and data-driven, highlighting the importance of Efficient Healthcare Planning.

Watch the Success Case Here:

A Deeper Dive into the Process

The shift from manual measurements to Digital Twin Technology marked a significant leap in accuracy and efficiency. Developing a standard Revit template ensured data consistency across all healthcare centers, an essential aspect of BIM Implementation.

Interactive Healthcare Management Dashboard

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and Building Inspection: Vital performance indicators were established to monitor and compare each center’s performance effectively. Detailed inspections provided additional data not captured by the point clouds, enriching the digital models.

The integration of diverse data into a centralized data hub facilitated a comprehensive view of the public healthcare network, making data-driven decision-making a reality.


This project by the Municipality of Córdoba and Voyansi is more than just a technological achievement; it’s a blueprint for future infrastructure projects. By harnessing the power of Digital Twins and BIM, coupled with Advanced Data Visualization tools, they have set a new standard in Public Healthcare Management. The project improved existing healthcare centers and established a framework for continuous improvement and efficient management.

Are you planning a new project or seeking to enhance the efficiency of existing facilities? Click here to talk to one of our representatives and start harnessing the benefits of Digital Twins!

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